Jumat, 10 November 2017

When Traveling with Friends Scout

Assalamau’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
At this time I will tell my experience to the Kura-kura beach that is a beach located in Bengkayang district, the beach is directly adjacent to the city of Singkawang, this beach is in the area of Tanjung Gundul. Why this area called a Tanjung Gundul? Because the area was once filled with trees, but all that remains today is an area without trees that decorate it, if there are green plants it is just grass and shrubs.

At that time me and my scout friends were on the agenda of our activities located at Kura-kura Beach at the beginning of February 2016, I was a little disappointed when I was following on this activity because one of my close friends can not follow this activity. Our activities are held for 2 days, we depart from Mempawah City around 1 pm using 2 pickup cars, after 1.5 hours we did not go directly to the location but we were dropped off 4 km before the Kura-kura beach as we wanted to walk to get to the Kura-kura beach shore although access to the Kura-kura beach could use the pickup car we used. we arrived at the location 30 minutes before sunset, we did not get to rest due to the time almost Maghrib and also tents that have not been installed. In the night we searched for twigs of dried wooden branches and dried coconut leaves to make the campfire the usual Boy Scouts do when they gather at night.

The next morning as the sun began to rise and we had all changed our clothes left the tent and continued our journey up the Tanjong Temenong (Tanjung Termenung)Ter hill from our campsite, we reached the highest point of Tanjong Temenong hill within 1 hour more.

After satisfied take pictures on the hill we went down from the hill to our tent, without further ado we immediately change clothes to swim at Kura-kura beach.

After satisfied swimming and bathing with fresh water, after that we eat first and then we knocked down the tents because we will  go back to the Mempawah City.

Here's a short video of our trip to the Kura-kura beach :

If you plan to camp on the beach beach in Bengkayang or the beach is close to the Singkawang City (West Kalimantan), there are some tips for you based on my experience:
1. If you want to build a tent looking for a closed place to build a tent like trees are not too high because if we build a tent in a place close to the shoreline then not only the waves but a strong wind can sweep our tent.
2. When you want to build a tent also choose solid sand in order to stick a strong tent pegs.
3. If you want to make a bonfire first make a circular dam that surrounds a bonfire, about the height of the dam about 15 cm so that the fire you make can light up easily.
4. Bring some large plastics bag that is useful for disposing of garbage because the bad habits usually done by the traveler is littering. beside from being a dumpster, plastic bags can be to wrap clothes or bags if there is very heavy rain.
5. Do not forget to bring salt to stretch the area around the tent to be safe from snakes๐Ÿ and other animals.

The place I'm talking about is not from outside West Borneo, but this is my journey I've ever done, there are still many places that I have not visited in West Kalimantan like a waterfall, although the place is very far and tiring but will be paid after feeling the beautiful scenery there. I love the beauty of nature in West Kalimantan๐Ÿ˜

Rabu, 01 November 2017

My close friend

Assalamau’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
At this time I will introduce one of my closest friends, his name is Dzaky Amartyadi Ramadan but I call him by the name of Jack, Jack is from the same place as me, the distance between my house with his house about 3km. Jack has a handsome face๐Ÿ˜Ž, also has a body size of 172 cm and weighs 60 kg. Like many Indonesian people, he has an attractive style so he always looks well-dressed even in casual attire. She has white skin and curly black hair also has a pointy nose.

Jack has a hobby of sports, sports that he really likes is volleyball, Sometimes Jack also loves listening to music. The first time we met in the extracurricular activities of the Boy Scouts, at that time he was still in the first year of high school and my second year of high school. Jack is very nice to talk to, he is always friendly and fun, he also has a fantastic sense of humor and he often makes me laugh, , this makes it quite popular in our school and no wonder he has so many friends. Jack also likes to help his friends, She always helps happily. However, he can be a little immature. For example, when he does not get what he wants, he acts childishly.

We can be this close because every time my scout activities often pick up Jack at his house to follow the activity, and also I often stay at his home because his house is closer to the school where we practice scouting, outside our scout activities we often together. Every time I feel bored at home alone, I go to his house to meet him. When I and the other friends are gathering and he is not, there will be something incomplete. When I returned to my hometown, I realized I wanted to see him, although now we rarely meet because of busy each.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Kamis, 19 Oktober 2017

5 Recreation Place in Pontianak City

this short video provides recreational places that are in great demand by visitors from inside and outside the city of Pontianak. Let's see this video!
1. Digulis Garden
Digulis Park opened in mid-December 2015, facilities owned by this place are jogging tracks, two outdoor tennis courts, BMX bike special arena and skateboard
2. Akcaya Garden
This vast park provides facilities ranging from children's playgrounds, reading houses, seating, and trash cans. In the afternoon many street vendors sell in this park
3. Radakng House
The largest Dayak traditional house in Borneo called 'Radakng' was inaugurated in the week of Gawai Dayak XXVIII in 2013 by the Governor of West Kalimantan Drs. Cornelis, MH
4. Alun-alun Kapuas
In 2013 the park was inaugurated by the Mayor of Pontianak namely H. Sutarmidji, SH, M.HUM. Facilities provided in this place such as libraries, public wc, mosque, and trash.
5. Khatulistiwa Park
Khatulistiwa Park is not just a monument and park, but also equipped with supporting facilities such as swimming pool, hotel, restaurant, etc. But this place is still in development stage at the completion of the plant by the end of 2018. Although still the construction phase of this place remains open.


5 Tempat Rekreasi di Kota Pontianak
video yang singkat ini memberikan tempat-tempat rekreasi yang banyak diminati oleh pengunjung dari dalam maupun luar kota Pontianak. Yuk lihat video ini !

 1. Taman Digulis
Taman Digulis ini dibuka pada pertengahan bulan Desember 2015 ,fasilitas yang dimiliki tempat ini yaitu jogging track , dua lapangan tenis outdoor , arena khusus sepeda  BMX dan skateboard.
2. Taman Akcaya
Taman yang luas ini menyediakan fasilitas mulai dari taman bermain anak-anak, rumah baca, tempat duduk , dan tempat sampah. Di sore hari banyak pedagang kaki lima berjualan di taman ini.
3. Rumah Radakng
Rumah adat Dayak terbesar di Kalimantan ini yang disebut ‘Radakng’ diresmikan pada pekan Gawai Dayak ke-XXVIII tahun 2013 oleh Gubernur Kalbar Drs. Cornelis, MH
4 . Alun – alun Kapuas
Pada tahun 2013 Taman ini diresmikan oleh Wali Kota Pontianak yaitu H. Sutarmidji, SH, M.HUM Fasilitas yang disediakan ditempat ini  seperti perpustakaan , wc umum, mushola , dan tempat sampah
5. Khatulistiwa Park
Khatulistiwa Park tidak hanya sekedar tugu dan taman saja, namun juga dilengkapi fasilitas-fasilitas penunjang seperti kolam renang, hotel,restoran ,dll. Tetapi tempat ini masih dalam tahap pembangunan di perkiran selesai pada akhir tahun 2018. Walaupun masih tahap pembangunan tempat ini tetap dibuka.

Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017

Goals of my life

In this post I will tell you about the next few years what my dreams , goals and ambitions of my life.  I am one of the most popular university students in West Kalimantan namely Tanjungpura University. I am now in semester 1, still in the New Student category and enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering Program. I wish 4 or 5 years ahead I can finish college and can achieve my goals.

When I entered the beginning of this lecture, I planned to join one of the organizations in the Engineering faculty but only one organization I wanted to follow, the name of the organization is Lembaga Studi Mahasiswa Islam, I want to join this organization when I enter the third semester. In the first and second semesters I do not want to follow any organization because I want to adjust life on campus first. because I am now a university student , I think now is the right time for me to travel because it is also a college holiday that I know very long holiday between 1 to 2 months, maybe there is more than 2 months. During the lecture I also want to spend my time to teach school children such as elementary school and junior high school, because at my grandmother home open the guidance of learning which consists of elementary school, junior high, and high school, besides helping in place grandma can add my pocket money.
After finishing college later I want to work first, I want to work in a company that requires a bachelor of mechanical engineering, because work can support yourself and help my parents and also want to enjoy what it feels like to work, and remember me as a student who basically money still ask with parents, then I want to enjoy the results of what I do to please my parents and myself before I get dizzy over the household.
So, that dream can be anything we want. To make it happen we must first think about the ambition to be achieved, have a willingness first to get it and really pursue it. However, without any effort and prayer it will not work.

Quite a few stories about dreams, goals and ambitions of my life. Hope it can all come true, Aamiin. ☺☺

Jumat, 15 September 2017

About Myself

I want to introduce myself. My name is Urai Muhammad Ali Akbar Rapsanjani.You can call me Urai or Ali, I get the long name from my father. My first name is taken because I am the original offspring Kesultanan Sambas. Although sambas blood stream in my body, but I can’t speak like sambas people hehehhe :D… , after while Ali Akbar Rapsanjani  I don’t even know the meaning because I don’t ask to my father. I was born in Pontianak, 28th September, but when I was 3 years old I moved to Mempawah, Kecamatan Mempawah Timur, Desa Pasir Wan Salim. My first education, I studied  at Elementart School 06 Mempawah Timur, then I studied at Junior High School 02 Mempawah Hilir, until Senior High School 01 Mempawah Hilir.
Actually I have 8 Family member because the two sister’s passed away. So I just have 6 family member. Alhamdulillah I still have my parents, I have 2 little brothers and 1 little sister, I am the 2nd children and now I am the 1st children because my old sister passed away. My father works as a vendor, and my mother as house keeper
One of my hobby is watching, I really like watching anime and action such as One Piece, Naruto, Transformers. My another hobby is reading. In my opinion reading is interesting activity, I like reading comic that genre action and article that gives information of Techonology now a days.
In 2017, I continue my study in popular University in Kalimantan Barat, it is Universitas Tanjungpura Technic Faculty, study programme Mechine Technic. If you ask me, why I continue my study. The reason is study in University is just like a bridge that will reach my idea, Iwant to be a Technition or Engineer, besides it can increase knowledge , social status, and University can be the right place to improve my soft skill. After that, study is one of the way to be loved by Allah Subhanllahu Wa Ta’ala, because study same like pray with Allah. Study will be more meaningful to myself and it is one of pray, so we should totally in study hehehe :D….

Well, Machine Technic is not my first choice, my first choice is Informatics Technic but when SBMPTN announcement I got Machine Technic, My second choice, Why I choose Machine Technic? Because it’s my father demand to choose it. Well said, there is little bit up set after announcement. Time pass by, I think again and feeling lucky, because I can be accepted in this choice. There are so much people who wants my position. In matriculation, my point of view about  Machine technic be open minded. After I finish my study I have a plan to apply for job in big factory who need Machine Engineer as the employer. Some year late, I get the job, I will continue my life to search my other half who wants spend her life with me until Jannah. I will marry her, because married is also one of goals. Then after married have some funny kids. I also want to continue study as Magister. I think that’s all about me. Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š